Adler University continues the pioneering work of the first community psychologist Alfred Adler by graduating socially responsible practitioners, engaging communities, and advancing social justice.


Adler University educates students to engage the world and create a more just society. Today, it enrolls more than 1,400 students in master’s and doctoral programs for social change through campuses in downtown Chicago and Vancouver, as well as an Online Campus.

Financial Aid

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Financial Aid

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Aenean quis purus sem. Vivamus facilisis, tellus eu egestas lacinia, est lorem luctus neque, eu feugiat mauris erat sed odio. Cras ac rhoncus justo, quis dignissim lacus. Donec nisl diam, mattis id ornare eu, viverra porta mauris.


alfred adler

Chicago Campus Impact of COVID-19

The Adler University Center for Diversity and Inclusion, with support from the Chicago Campus Diversity and Inclusion Committee, recently hosted a three-part webinar series about the impact of COVID-19 on Chicago’s Black communities. Watch the webinars featuring Chicago Campus faculty and guests from Rush Medical College and The Chicago Urban League:


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Questions & Answers

Here are some frequently asked questions that you may have about Adler. For any other questions, please contact us.

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